Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Week 7

Mom! And everyone else who reads these!

So this week we had exchanges which were great because I got to go with our disrupt rich leader Elder Colledge who is from Lehi Utah!
He's soo cool and we related a lot which was really fun! We didn't do much because nobody answered their doors and we didn't have any appointments that day.... But it was still probably the best day I have had out here on my mission!

Apparently there is is movie coming out in a few weeks on October 10th called meet the Mormons! It's only going to certain theaters but if it comes to one in Utah you should all go! It's gonna be great! The commercial looks really good! The other thing you should all watch is the talk Elder Bednar gave at Education week this year about social media, it was awesome!

So they just built this Amazon factory out here and it is huuuugggeeee!! I heard it's something like 1.4 million square feet or something crazy like that. It's probably a quarter or a 5th of a mile long! I will send a picture or 2 of it.

I found out we are 2341 miles from my home to our apartment out here haha. We put our homes in our gps just because we were curious.

So we met a 99 hear old man this week because his daughter is a member and takes car of him. Well before or after I can't remember but, Elder Young our mission nurse told us the story that he was over one time visiting and this man asked if they wanna look at some pictures he has collected and put in a scrap book. So Elder Young said sure and the old man opens this book and this guy had like a collection of girls in swimsuits likening  bikinis filling this book!! Hahahaha

We are with a member family this week for dinner one night and the grandma there is Ukrainian and made these things called Parogees I think? They are like pot stickers but filled with potatoes and they are aweeeesommeee! It made me miss our family a lot because it reminded me of our Sunday dinners with all the kids running around and all the food and people.... I miss our big family dinners......

We had to drop the couple dan and Stacy that got back together because they are having a really hard family trial and weren't keeping commitments:( John is gonna be baptized for sure though, whether Elder Lake and I are here or not I'm sure the next missionaries will baptize him.

The sisters got tranferrsed out of our area so we picked up like 4 baptismal dates and their whole area book so it has been super stressful out here!

Funny story though. We were helping a couple move a pack up a truck and burried in the back corner of the room were two Wigi boards!!
Freaking crazy people what are they trying to do? Do they want satan in their house?

Anyway haha see you all later!

Quote of the week
"Thank you Mr.Gardener, for cutting me down, for loving me enough to hurt me." Hough B. Brown. The Will of God Mormon message

Love you all back home!
Love elder neel

Week 6

Mom! And everyone else that reads these back home!

So this past week on Monday we had what they call zone development 
day. It was great cause we finally got to wear p day clothes! Because 
 even on p day you have to wear church clothes....:( And basically it 
meant a day just to go play games and have fun with everyone in our 
zone! We started off with some short training stuff on how to use the 
Adjusting to Missionary Life booklet and something else that the zone 
leaders taught us. Then we went into the gym and played volley ball on 
two different courts with everyone. We played it like king of the 
court so the winner stays in spot 1 and the loser moves to the bottom.
Our team seemed to spend a lot of time down at the bottom..... I love 
volleyball but it's a lot harder in jeans haha. Then after volley ball 
we did this thing where we had to draw a picture of our companion with 
a marker using only our feet! I thought mine wasn't too bad, my 
companion was a farmer so my picture of him had a cowboy hat and 
cowboy boots on and people thought that was pretty funny. Then we play 
his game called zip bong, basically you cover your teeth with your 
lips and aren't allowed to show your teeth or you lose and then one 
person starts by saying zip and then it goes to the person to their 
left and that person says zip or bong, of they say zip it goes to 
their left if they say bong it goes back to the person who sent it to 
them. Once you get going it gets pretty funny and it's hard not to 
laugh! After that we had dinner and then played some kick ball in the 
gym which was really fun. It was really sad to leave that night though 
because I loved being around a big group of elders and sister again 
like at the MTC. I loved the MTC and would totally go back with my old 
zone and spend a couple months there.

Mom thanks sooooo much for the package!! That was the coolest 
decorated package I have ever seen! It was a lot of fun to get a 
package, cause packages and letters really cheer you up! And then once 
I opened it and saw what was inside it was even better! The first 
thing I saw was those socks which were way cool! I wish I was allowed 
to wear shorts so that people could see them! But sadly I'm never 
allowed to wear shorts except to sleep in.... So good thing I brought 
like 4 pairs.... The mint Milano cookies were awesome!! I've had to 
hold back and not eat the whole box in one sitting which is really 
hard... And everything else in there like the funny string and the 
flashlights and the mints I loved all of it! And thanks for that book 
it looks really good, I just haven't read it yet....

Grandma and grandpa thanks a ton for the package you sent me to!! How 
did you know that I wanted more cookies??:) The cookies were amazing 
and I have also been trying really hard to eat them slowly because 
they are soooo good. And the zucchini bread! My companion actually got 
some like a couple weeks ago and I was really jealous, so when I saw 
that I was super happy!! And the pasta packages are really good! They 
are really easy to make a quick lunch and they were delicious I've 
eaten one of them so far, and cooked the macaroni and cheese box. The 
alien sling shot thing was hilarious I love it, my companion said its 
a distraction but I said its fun.:)

So this week my companion and I were out walking around finding and we 
saw a turtle in the middle of the side walk so we rescued it and 
carried it to this pond that was near by. It was fun to see a turtle, 
I keep hearing about people talking about them but I hadn't seen one!
I will send a picture of him. I named him Phillip.

People down here are kinda weird nobody knows their neighbors! We ask 
people of maybe their neighbors would like to hear this and they say 
"we don't really know them." How do you not know your own neighbors? I 
feel like at home we knew everybody in every house in our ward 
boundaries even if they weren't members.

Elder Lakes mom is really nice! She keeps sending me gift cards! The 
two times he has gotten a package she has sent me a Red robin gift 
card and an Olive Garden gift card! I wish I knew where either of 
those restaurants were around here.... But it's still really nice of 

So apparently there is a hurricane called hurricane John of the coast 
of Africa that could possibly come our way, but it's only a category 1 
and we are on the gulf side so there's nothing to worry about. I found 
out the other day that we are in a giant bowl and one ward member,
(Christian) said his house is 150ft below sea level! No wonder there 
are 10ft tall signs every where that say water could come this high in 
a hurricane!

We had a really spiritual experience teaching one of our investigators 
Ty, he is kinda stubborn as he says, and we have been trying to teach 
him the importance of the Priesthood, and we had a lesson with him and 
our mission nurse because he's in our ward and he shared his testimony 
and Priesthood line of authority with Ty and the Spirit was so strong 
it was sooo cool. I hope he recognized it and will understand what we 
are teaching him a little better.

I was watching this Mormon message called "It Was Mom" mom and grandma 
and Jen and all the other women I my life  you should really watch it.
It was really cool and really reminded me how grateful I am for all of 
you in my life and how thankful I am for all the love and support you 
have given me over the years. I love you all so much especially you 
mom. Thanks for all you've done for me!

Well I think that's mostly everything for this week! 
I love you all  and miss you tons! 
Email me or write me and let me know what's going 
on with everyone! I love getting the emails and I do my best to reply 
to them even if its short. I have lots of time to read them but only 
and hour and a half to reply to them, so if I don't reply I'm really 

Elder Neel

Monday, September 8, 2014

Week 5

Hey Mom! And everyone else that reads these!
Is week might be a kinda small letter cause I don't have a lot of time.... We have a zone play day thing! So this week has been ok...
I'll be honest it's really hard and I get home sick a lot but I do love the people we teach and it's always fun to go to lessons! The people are super nice! We got 3 more baptismal dates this week! That's crazy considering the last transfer this are was whitewashed and we only had 2 dates up until now! I hope that we don't have to push the dates back... They are or are going to be set for October 12th, but I know the people were working with might have some things we need to work with to help them be ready for baptism... Dan and Stacy are still together after an elder told them they would get back together if Dan read the Book of Mormon and prayed, Ty and his stepson Stephen are both progressing pretty well, T is hilarious and he's the one with the possum named Damion. Story!! The other day Ty showed us this hot sauce that is 6 million scovials! A ghost pepper is 1 million..... And anyway I had some and it was like burn all the way down your throat!
But my companion doesn't like hot stuff so he said if Ty read the Book of Mormon he would try some, so we went back a few days later and Ty had read some so my companion tried it, and he didn't show he was in pain until we got in the car and then he showed his pain haha, it was hot! And the best part was then on the way home the hotness subsided so he wasn't thinking much of it and then he had an itch in his eye..... You see where this is going? So he itches his eye with the finger he used to taste the hot sauce! And his eye lit on fire! I told him milk was best for hot foods and so we decided to pour milk in his eye.... We put a little in the milk lid and held it on his eye hahaha, I felt bad that he was dyin but it was also kinda funny.....

Hey mom you should get on Amazon and order a car sticker that says "salt life" apparently it's like saying I love Florida or I'm a Floridian, so I thought it would be cool if you put one on the car on the back windshield.... And anyone else that wants to! It would be really cool of you did! Cause the stickers look way cool and nobody in Utah would know what they are or even have one!

Mom thanks a ton for the package!! It had everything I could've wanted in it! I love the cinnamon rolls sooo much and the home made Oreo cookies are the best ever! I've trying to be careful with what I eat a little bit cause I don't want to get fat....haha, so the hard part for me is not eating the whole freaking bag of cinnamon rolls and cookies, I miss being at home when we would make those and I could just eat the whole pan of cookies, and hen Daniel and I would eat cinnamon rolls for lunch for days! The quotes were awesome I like them a lot  I put one on our family picture that sits right by my bed all day!

Thanks for all the letters and emails you all send I really try and wrote something back to all of them but I don't have a ton of time so Im really sorry if I don't write back.... Thanks grandma and grandpa for the letter that history of our ancestors who have served missions is really cool, there's lots of us that have served in Florida! And mom that card was freaking hilarious;) I got and invitation to Bethany's wedding this week that was awesome! I'm so happy for her!

So I met this elder named elder hall his name is Avery hall, his my zone leader and I told him I was from kaysville  Utah and he said he had an aunt in kaysville he said Julie white and I was like Juleen White? And he said ya and her husband Scott..... He's bishop whites nephew!!

Thanks for all your love and support back home it's really what helps me keep going, I miss you all a ton and think of you all day everyday!! I can't wait to see you in 1 year 11 months! I hit my month mark Saturday!  I love you all a ton thanks again for everything!

Quote for the week: We are made of the stuff of eternity.
-Grateful in Any Circumstance by President Uchtdorf


Elder Neel

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Week 4

Possum of investigator                                                   Ward Mission leader - Christian

Mom! And all my family and friends that read these!

So this past week has been crazy. I've had times where I'm loving every minute of it and look forward to the next to years and I've had times where two years seems forever away and I'm not sure how I'm going to make it. But I just keep working and the time flies by. They call it "missionary time" and it's really weird because the days seriously seem to go by like weeks but the weeks go by like days it's crazy! Some days seem to go by really slow but I can't believe it's already P-day again, it feels like I was just writing you yesterday!
The next two years will be over before we know it and in no time life will go back to normal!

This area we are in is kinda hard sometimes, because it's so hot in Florida nobody goes outside during the day, so when we go contacting, or walking around looking for people to talk to there is hardly ever anyone around sometimes! And we're not allowed to just go knock on doors, so we do a lot of walking and biking around.

So crazy story I didn't tell you last week. There's this couple named Dan and Stacy, and before I got here it was Elder Crowley who's been out like 20 moths and Elder Lake my companion. They were over teaching Dan one night and he talked about how his wife Stacy just left him.
Well Elder Crowley apparently told him that if he would read the Book of Mormon and pray that his family would get back together. Well, 2 days later his wife Stacy and their daughter came back and they've been together ever since! I hope one day I can be close enough to the spirit to have the courage to tell someone something like that. That's the reason Dan has been so in to learning about our lessons is because a 20 year old kid told him his wife would come back. It's sooo cool how the spirit works!

Grandpa emailed me and said he remembers all the cool lightning storms down here, and he is right! There is lightning storms close to every day, and the weird part is that there will be lightning but no thunder or rain, which is pretty cool! It rains a ton here, and this past week we had the hardest rain storm I've seen since being out here! I tried to take a picture of it but it's hard to tell from just a picture.
This week we were driving home and I heard one of the loudest thunders I've ever heard! It sounded kinda like a bomb on top of our car.

We teach a couple named Paul and Nancy and they are devout Catholics, their a ward members neighbor and he always goes to the lessons with us, and a lot of time when we go teach them it just turns into kind of an argument.... But we have been teaching them how we pray and Nancy gave a prayer just like we taught her and didn't even realize it, and we were like great job! And she prayed that we wouldn't argue and we didn't, it was the most spiritual lesson with them yet. We showed them the Mormon Message The Hope of Gods Light that I talked about back when I was in the MTC, and I think it really touched them, i think they almost cried. Just almost though.

So another thing I have noticed about down here is that no guy anywhere hardly, wears a shirt. Every guy just walks around their house and works in their yard without a shirt on, it's really weird.
The other night we had a drunk guy stop and talk to us while we were walking around at like 850 and it was dark and he told us all about his religious philosophy and that he works with horses all day, and some how he managed to tie those two things together.......

Another story! So one night after dark we pulled into the main area of our apartments and I went out to go get the mail out of our mail box which is like a PO box like the ones at the post office, and as I open the mail box I hear my companion just start laughing and I was like what the heck? What is he laughing about over there all alone? I didn't think much of it and I just closed the box and turned around to head to the car and there was a freaking raccoon standing behind me trying to sneak up on me thinking I was his dinner and My companion just sat there laughing!  I was like you tool! Luckily he got scared away and just ran off haha. But it was crazy!

I found out yesterday that we have what's called a short transfer in December because the transfer lands on Christmas and so they make that transfer only 4 or 5 weeks instead of 6. Which means I will actually come home in July of 2016! Probably on the 19th or 26th! Hooray! It's still a way away but July sounds a lot closer than August. And that'll give me time to get ready for school. The part that kinda stinks is that President Cusick goes home on July 1st 2016 and so I'll have a new mission president for like 3 or 4 weeks, it'll be weird to get to know President Cusick so well and then he won't even be the one giving
me my goodbye interview:(   O well....

My companion and I are getting along a lot better now though! We still have ups and downs but we work through them and I just focus on the people and the work. The people make it all worth it, I love them a ton and they don't really know how much they help me without knowing it.

What do most missionaries eat? Do they all eat as bad as me? Haha.
Stuff like Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and ramen and cereal and eggs for every meal.... Not the same meal,but throughout the day.....
I don't wanna get fat.....   But meat is expensive and bread is

My spiritual thought for the week is from a General Conference talk from April. It's called "Fear Not I Am With Thee" by Jean A. Stevens.
It's awesome you should all read it if you get the chance! It really helped me feel better and not be so homesick.

Quote of the week: "Be the change you want to see in the world." -Mohammed Ali

I love you all and miss you tons! Email me and let me know what's going on back home and what everyone is up to.


Elder Neel

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Week 2&3

Mom! And all my family and friends who read these!
       So Florida is great it's super green here and really pretty most places you go! There are some things here that aren't so fun...
Like normally in Utah when you get really hot you just go sit in the shade for a while, but here in Florida it's so freaking humid that the shade makes zero difference.... It's a 100 degrees in the sun and it's a 100 degrees in the shade.... Another thing that stinks is the grass!
There is no real grass anywhere! It is all just like crabgrass everywhere! They may call it grass but in Utah we call that crabgrass and it's a weed and everyone wants to kill it... It rains everyday without fail and we have this weather alarm radio thing that goes off about every single day....
       The first day we got here we went back to President Cusicks house and met his family and had dinner and just talked for a while.
Then we went to a hotel and spent the night. As you could probably tell if you got my first letter we sent from President Cusicks house, I was scared out of my mind after he talked to us! And he asked "whos feeling like what the heck am I doing here?" But of course nobody really raised thier hand so I just sat there.... But Once we got to the hotel we got new companions for while we were doing training and sleeping at the hotel, and he was in my zone at the MTC so I knew who he was we were friends his name was elder stansfield. So we got talking and found put that we both were freaked out but didn't want to tell anyone! So after we talked for a while we both felt a ton better!
So the second day of training we went to Golden Corral for dinner and my companion and I with the help of one of the AP's got the contact info for our first person! Her name is Brenda she's a really nice lady!  One thing I like about this mission is that we are required to workout everyday, so while we were in the hotel we woke up and all went and worked out together and went running! I was so grateful to finally be able to run again! And it's a lot easier down here at practically sea level, it feels like you can run forever! Haha. So another thing about Florida.... If you don't hang up your sweaty workout clothes after you use them they won't dry ever.... And they will be permanently nasty and smelly..... I'll remember that for next time.....
       So I'm in an area called Apollo beach which I have heard is known to be one of if not the hardest areas..... But on my first day we taught 2 lessons so that seemed good to me! But then I remembered there is a sister that teaches 30-40 lessons a week in another area.... So ummmm. I guess this is a hard area.

So my address is 13408 Tall Palm Place #304 Riverview Florida 33578 (if it's a letter add box ee-201 to that address)

So we got talking about emergency preparedness and storms and they told us this next transfer is the peak of hurricane season! Sweeeet!
Then President Cusick said "I have some good news and some bad news, the good news is we haven't had a hurricane in 10 years! The bad news is we haven't had a hurricane in10 years....." And then he went on to say "and the per good news is that we haven't had anyone killed in a hurricane.... Recently......."Haha it was hilarious! One of the AP's described president Cucsick and said he goes hard, but if you work hard and do your best you'll be his best friend. And President Cusick is so cool he is super sarcastic and hilarious!

So when I picked up my bike e derailleur was bent into the rim..... So that was worthless.... I just grabbed it and bent it back and then a guy named Christian Briones (the one who sent the video of me) got a pair of pliers and we got it goin pretty good! Christian is the best ever he is sooo much fun he is the funniest guy I have ever met! He is the assistant ward mission leader or something but he is great! He had us over for s'mores and family home evening yesterday!

So I might have left my retainer in the MTC..... So mom will call them and ask if they found one in the building 5m  on the 4th floor probably in the bathroom it's In a blue case.... Thanks!

 Hey mom in your package will you send another bike lock key for a spare and my orange tire changer that's in my tool box. Thanks!

So did you get my letter that I sent like the first day? It was sent from the mission office..

Our apartment is kinda bleh, it's not really nice and it's super small  but it works good enough for what we need, and I won't be here forever.

Sooooooo my story about our apartment.... If you're eating stop before you read is... Christian picked us up from the mission office and driving home he says whatever you do don't use that bathroom without socks or shoes on, and I was like why not? And then he goes on to tell us that the sisters used to live here and one night at like 9 ish he gets a call from them and they said the toilet is clogged and need help. He said he thought to himself what could be sooo bad that they can't unclog it? But he said ok and put on some basketball shorts and a tank top and flip flops. He said that was the worst decision of his life..... He grabs his plunger his drain snake and some drank and He gets over here and they open the bathroom door and there is a lake! A lake of poop and girl stuff and pee all over the floor!!!! So he goes in and starts using the plunger and it splashes in his mouth!!!!! Then as he's carefully trying to walk out he slips! And falls into the lake of nastyness! so now he's covered in crap! Literally! Remember he's in shorts and a tank top!  Then he uses the snake and pulls out some.....tampons..... And was like girls you can't flush these things...... So eventually he gets it unclogged and just leaves and says have fun cleaning this up! So that's my story! I hope you like it

So my companion, his name is Elder Lake from Blackfoot Idaho. He's a nice kid. And has that farmer twang to his voice. So how do I like him..... Well he has been in Florida 6 weeks..... And training is a 12 week process O_o. so he got moved up really fast, so it's kinda hard to have a trainer that I know is still kinda a trainee!  he knows his doctrine really well! But he is kinda bossy sometimes... And we don't really get along to well.... So there's lots of awkward quietness haha. I've had 3 companions since getting to the MTC and he isn't my first or second favorite, and that's all I'll say... Like Brandon says, "life sucks, then you die" haha. Today though he seemed to kinda change and so I kinda talked to him about it and I think we've worked everything out and will get along a lot better this week I hope! He doesn't have very much fun though.... My 3 goals out of the MTC were 1 be normal be myself 2 don't  be a weirdo 3 have fun while working hard and do my best and go home with no regrets. So I think we can work on a couple of those areas.... but to me it's about the people and the work not so much how well my companion and I get along. So life goes on. And I love the work and the people, and Ill only be with him 6-12 weeks so I'll survive I'm sure! I've met so many nice awesome people here! It's weird how you really do come to love them!

Another story! So we go and knock on his guys door and he opens it half way and looks out and we said were looking for Carrie, are you Carrie? And he said do I look like a Carrie to you? And we were like we don't know we're just lookin for Carrie! So anyway at this point he opens the door all the way to show he has a gun strapped to his thigh... It was at this moment I thought to myself, I don't think he likes us.... And Elder lake kept talking to him..... But we went to shake his hand and say goodbye and he just closed the door on us....

It's hard to know what to eat and what to buy for food, I think that's one of the hardest parts for myself..

So how's everything back home? Hows school mom? Anything exciting going on or anything I should know about?

So that's pretty much what's happening down here! It's goin good! Oh ya, so just in case you were wondering, I will be coming home on August 2nd 2016, haha.

Well I love you all soooo much back home! And I miss you tooooonnnnsss! I think of you everyday! But I'm not homesick, I just try to focus and enjoy what I'm doing here because I have such a short amount of time to be on a mission, even though it's 2 years, I know it'll fly by and I will miss what I'm doing. Love you all tons!!!!

Quote of the week "Just because you ride in an airplane doesn't mean you're a pilot." President Cusick

I don't think jake pastrana will read this, but happy late birthday cause I forgot to tell you last p day!!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Week 1

I have had to write everyone back holy crap this takes forever when everyone sends these awesome long letters!! I love them!! ITs great to know there are people supporting me soo much out here!
so this week was great! the first few days i was pretty home sick and wanted to be back home with all of you but everyone said make it past sunday and everything will get better and you will love it! And turns out their right!! after sunday the days have been flying by soo fast i cant even keep up them! My companion Elder Holmes and i are always saying it always feels like were going to bed or getting up we cant keep up with everything that happens during the day! So this week we got our investigator kaylee(also known as our teacher sister zibetti playing one of her real investigators) and it's weird how much you really start to love them and want to help them even though its just practice and everything! Our other investigator is named Lance, hes really cool and he is more like a realy investigator because he is in the TRC which is the practice center for us!
People always say that the food here kills them... and it definately doesnt like your stomach too much after you eat it... but its unlimited buffet style and it tastes good and we eat tons of it!! i thgough i would have gained weight by now but i havent.... im sure it will catch up with me one of these days and ill get super fat or somethin... but i hope not... i like eating tons with no after effects.. haha.
YA i did get the doughnuts but we didnt figure out the mail thing till like thursday or friday afternoon.... so they were getting kinda hard.... but we still ate some of them any way... So thanks!! its lots of fun to get packages and letters from everyone!! let everyone know that until monday at noon if they send a letter to me i will get it and be able to read it that day which is always nice to hear from everyone throughout the week since i can only email on thrusday! i wont be able to write back to them until thrusday though... Im really excited to meet my mission president! but i feel kinda left out since his wife called a bunch of the elders and sisters going to the same mission before they left and she didnt call me.... o well probably just not enough time to contact us all. My district is awesome!! i love them tons!! we have soo much fun here! The part we had to work on at first was using study time for studying and have fun when its time to have fun! and i think weve gotten pretty good at it! theres this time called adtitional study time thats after all our personal and companionship study and thats when we have fun and just talk in class and get to know each other! We are in class from about 8am till 930 pm but there is lunch and dinner and gym time in between that. and we only have  a teacher in the class teaching us from 1230-330 and 630-930 so all the other time were just alone studying or having fun when its time.
We had a devotional sunday night from one of the mtc administrators and he was a really good speaker! and after we got to listen to a video talk from Elder Bednar called the Character of Christ which was awesome!!

I learned how to use sign language for my name! that was kinda cool...
there is a mormon message called the hope of gods light that you have to watch its brand new and about Todd sylvester Its an awesome one i loved it it was from that devotional!
Mom will you write me a letter from tomorrow or today with jakes phone number and leilanis phone number?
Was geoffs mission president david evans?? he was here and a mission president in nagouya japan!
did you get the blog up mom? let me know in the letter please:)

Love you and miss you a ton back home i think of you all every single day!! :)
Elder Neel

Thursday, August 7, 2014

1st Day at MTC

I wasnt sure if this was the email you wanted me to use or not... but anyway the first day was pretty good! The first few hours i was pretty homesick and missing everybody all you guys and all my friends back home... but after our first devotional and free time with my companion it has been great and i like it alot its a lot of fun! My companion is Elder Mark Holmes, hes from bountiful and went to woods cross Well I have to go to class... so I will either write you tonight or next week and i will have pictures with my next email! I love you alot mom and i love everybody else at home a ton too and i miss you guys alot but im having the time of my life!

Elder Spenser Neel
Quote of the week: "The Lord sends his toughest battles to his toughest soldiers" An Elder here.