Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Week 7

Mom! And everyone else who reads these!

So this week we had exchanges which were great because I got to go with our disrupt rich leader Elder Colledge who is from Lehi Utah!
He's soo cool and we related a lot which was really fun! We didn't do much because nobody answered their doors and we didn't have any appointments that day.... But it was still probably the best day I have had out here on my mission!

Apparently there is is movie coming out in a few weeks on October 10th called meet the Mormons! It's only going to certain theaters but if it comes to one in Utah you should all go! It's gonna be great! The commercial looks really good! The other thing you should all watch is the talk Elder Bednar gave at Education week this year about social media, it was awesome!

So they just built this Amazon factory out here and it is huuuugggeeee!! I heard it's something like 1.4 million square feet or something crazy like that. It's probably a quarter or a 5th of a mile long! I will send a picture or 2 of it.

I found out we are 2341 miles from my home to our apartment out here haha. We put our homes in our gps just because we were curious.

So we met a 99 hear old man this week because his daughter is a member and takes car of him. Well before or after I can't remember but, Elder Young our mission nurse told us the story that he was over one time visiting and this man asked if they wanna look at some pictures he has collected and put in a scrap book. So Elder Young said sure and the old man opens this book and this guy had like a collection of girls in swimsuits likening  bikinis filling this book!! Hahahaha

We are with a member family this week for dinner one night and the grandma there is Ukrainian and made these things called Parogees I think? They are like pot stickers but filled with potatoes and they are aweeeesommeee! It made me miss our family a lot because it reminded me of our Sunday dinners with all the kids running around and all the food and people.... I miss our big family dinners......

We had to drop the couple dan and Stacy that got back together because they are having a really hard family trial and weren't keeping commitments:( John is gonna be baptized for sure though, whether Elder Lake and I are here or not I'm sure the next missionaries will baptize him.

The sisters got tranferrsed out of our area so we picked up like 4 baptismal dates and their whole area book so it has been super stressful out here!

Funny story though. We were helping a couple move a pack up a truck and burried in the back corner of the room were two Wigi boards!!
Freaking crazy people what are they trying to do? Do they want satan in their house?

Anyway haha see you all later!

Quote of the week
"Thank you Mr.Gardener, for cutting me down, for loving me enough to hurt me." Hough B. Brown. The Will of God Mormon message

Love you all back home!
Love elder neel

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